Call us: 01903 528600

Our Ashdown Club provides sensory based play, arts and crafts and day trips into the local community for children aged 5-18 with complex needs. 

What do we offer? 

  • Six hour breaks for local families
  • A range of structured activities, including sensory play, arts and crafts, books and learning toys,
  • Our sensory room instils feelings of calm and relaxation with soothing lights, bubbles and music
  • Our school holiday sessions offer trips out, outings and in-house activities.

We also provide a Youth Club for young people age 14-18, with learning disabilities and/or autism with a focus on increasing independence and preparing for adulthood.

When does it run? 

Saturdays and school holidays.

Get in touch 

To find out more about costs, availability and any other queries you may have, please call our Customer Service Team on 01903 528600 or use our online form.

Where to find us

Ashdown Centre, 1-3 Birkdale Road, Worthing, BN13 2QY

Fees and funding 

Families are eligible to access short breaks funded services if they receive (or would be eligible if applied) the middle or high rate care component of Disability Living Allowance (DLA). Self-Assessment forms are available from Ashdown on request if you do not already receive DLA.

This service is supported by West Sussex County Council funding and other generous sponsors. This support enables these special days to be available at no extra cost to families other than the standard session fee.

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